Way 2 grow
Salam everybody!
This is my friend, very closed friend, Farida Kazi. Once upon a time her dream was to open a nursery, yes, garden, because she simply loves gardening and landscaping. She loves to watch plants grow and flower. Look at her garden....
Neat and well kept!
But now Farida, your dream HAS come true, NOT the flower garden but helping bringing u
p kids and special children. The children there are very well taken care of just like how she keeps her plants, healthy,strong, beautiful and disciplined. And another thing need mention is the school where Farida is in charge now is right in front of MPK's nursery. Well, nursery all around you. Ape-ape aje lah!
Assalam, Salam takziah di atas kembalinye ke rahmatullah Puan Farida bt Kazi Mohamed pada petang semalam, Arwah adalah bekas Pengetua INTAZ, sesungguhnya arwah banyak berjasa kepada INTAZ..semoga arwah ditempatkan bersama orang2 yang beriman..Al fatihah