Thank you teacher

Pernah seorang rakan berkata

"If you want to enjoy and be happy for a day, organize a party,
If you want to enjoy and be happy for a week, go for a vacation,
If you want to enjoy and be happy for a year, grow a garden,
If you want to enjoy and be happy for a lifetime, develop human beings"

Betapa mulianya menjadi seorang pendidik. Pendidik yang bijak memberi tunjuk ajar k
epada anak didiknya dengan penuh prihatin dan kasih sayang serta ikhlas akan sentiasa dikenang, di tegur, di sapa dan dibantu oleh mereka dengan penuh hormat.

A student gave me this mug. Inscribed on it are these beautiful words.......


Teaching us with encouraging remark,
even though we are not very smart.
A person like you deserves our high
regard. Cultivate us to be promising
sparks. Help us when we are in the
cart. Encourage us to hit the mark.
Respect you with all our heart.

"Teacher" is a respective job in
nature.A teacher motivates new comers
to learn and accumulate knowledge.

Once a cikgu always a cikgu,
(sampai bila-bila)
You are a teacher forever!


  1. Setuju, cikguuuu. Title 'cikgu' tu sedap didengar sampai bila-bila. Can you find out what is the origin of the word "cikgu". Why 'cik' and not 'encik' or 'tuan' or 'puan'... hee..hee..

  2. 'Cik" with silent 'En '. Ha ha. Like that small figure. Boleh tunjuk ajar ncikgu?


Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah.Komen anda dihargai.