Still raining heavily. Bocor belum boleh dibaiki, so, 'heavy' downpour in the house too. Ah Kok promised to come as soon as possible but how soon is ' soon' with this unpredictable weather. So, the next question -apa nak makan ah?
Since it's the wet season, why not
mee basah jelah, fav boss. So rebus beberapa ketul meat, to soften it as well as for the stock.Meanwhile, cleaned and 'racek' some sawi, cleaned a handful of taugeh, cut tomato into pieces, blend together some shallots, garlic and a small cut of ginger (as bumbu: quote Bibik Nani) Got ready some tamarind juice, oyster sauce and tomato sauce. When the meat was soft enough (lama juga rebus, so tough the meat!), cut it into small pieces and put aside. Then soaked the mee batang into boiling water until soft. As I was saute(ing) the bumbu,
alamak. cili boh dah habis, (macam iklan santan tu). Time almost 11.3oam. Luckily bos kata, balik masjid, makan.
So stopped saute(ing) the bumbu. Rebus pula cili kering, then blend, nak dapatkan cili boh.
Done, continued stirring the bumbu, put in some cili boh, naik minyak, throw in the pieces of meat, dashes of oyster sauce and a dash of tomato sauce, a pinch of salt (tak boleh banyak, takut masin) Put in the stock. Stir, stir, stir.. Dapatlah kuahnya (soup, kata budak-budak di BC). Rasa, ok.
Datang pula gangguan lain ,the serviceman nak servise water filter(kata nak datang pukul 3.00 pm). Tangguh lagi masak. Almost 3.00 bos pun balik, hujan lebat, tak dapat keluar mesjid. Sambung masak. Barulah dapat masukkan sayur-sayur tadi dan mee ke dalam bahan yang telah digoreng . Masuk sikit tamarind juice. Dapatkan rasa masam sikit. Gaul, gaul, gaul., sama rata, meresap ke dalam mee. Puas hati, mee basah a.k.a
wet mee pun ready untuk dimakan. Tabur sedikit cili padi, sebagai hiasan dan untuk 'kepedasan.'.
Makanan dah siap, mari makan.

Myself : Rasa ok.
Himself : Tawar, mana garam?
Myself: ???? (myself, penawar orangnya)
Suka hati tengok bos lazat makan (tapi tambah garam, ikut cita rasa). Finally, bab cuci pinggan, kuali etc. Mob lantai, lap dapur. Kemas. No bibik to help. This part I don't quite like but it's part and parcel of cooking. Yours truly
has to do it and
must enjoy.Time : 4.00 pm. Relax....mendung dan gelap di luar.
Somebody nak makan roti canai pulak! Musim hujan, lapar...