Lady like

This is Lady like Gym,the place where I do my workout, at least three times a week. I have been 'talking' about it and this morning I remembered to bring along my cam. I want to share with my dear readers the 'happening' at the gym. The gym is crowded only after 4 pm, after office hours... so people like me happy to be there in the morning. No users around except me and Nadiah, the helpful girl-in-charge. I suka gym ni, sebab for ladies only, kita boleh 'bebas' kan kepala kita, pakai short sleeve and tights, pakaian yang sesuai dengan pergerakan.
Inspiration from the colourful large backdrop
Shoes sleepover at the gym. Only sports shoes allowed. So members left their shoes behind.
One foot only? Me on the treadmill

I walked for about 1.5 km for 30 mins each session on the treadmill

The treadmills and bicycles

Gym balls at the aerobic section
Ada banyak lagi alat-alat gym di sana...ini yang saya selalu buatlah. Untuk kurangkan stress, kuatkan tulang dan maintain kesihatan (ada yang nak kurangkan berat badan), rajin-rajin lah ke gym atau buat exercise yang lain. ..Anyway gym ni dibuka setiap hari dari jam 10 pagi hingga 9 malam setiap hari kecuali Ahad dan public hols.


  1. ckLah jogging keliling rumah je...dengan anak2...he...he...he...

  2. ckLah,
    tak pe, mana-mana pun boleh asalkan exercise..

  3. Salam alaik.

    Maaf ya w/pun 1st time dtg dah nak tinggal komen.

    Seronoknya kalau dapat gym macam tu. Gym yg saya selalu pegi kat KB ni skrg ada mslh dgn landlord, terpaksalah senamrobik kat rumah je sb blm ada alternatif lain.

    Gym byk yg campur dah kat hotel pulak tu... seronoknya nengok...


Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah.Komen anda dihargai.