
Dear readers,
Selamat pagi! It's 7.40 am. Wow what a surprise the hero in the house gave me this morning. Kan hari ni sekolah dah mula cuti (teacher gave me 14 days holiday) Sunday pula tu. Tapi dia dah bangun.... last one to sleep last night and the first one to wake up this morning. Apa keheh nye yob? (to quote Riz AF6) . Angin baiklah tu.( His sisters still sleeping). As he was 'golek-golek'ing on the day bed, he asked me to 'garuk' him'. (Nek lang tak ada, I not gatal). Then the quiz started. What else if not about the winners of AF6. He remembered very well who the winners were. When bibik was drying him after bathing, he like 'boss-boss' told bibik yang tak lama lagi nak balik "Bibik tak pandai kerja. Tak pandai basuh kain, tak pandai sapu." Pada hal orang tulah yang ikut kata boss sangat-sangat. Dia drama je bik. Mujurlah bibik tu baik hati dan understands si hero ni. Anyway, good boy my little hero, kalau macam ni selalu, kan bagus, tak lah ada paksaan....Then I heard "Nek Lang, Iddin nak Milo and burger roti,(magic word) please." Okey, my hero...

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