Dear readers, I read about them, saw documentaries and pictures about them and I saw them in reality once upon a time, one day, during the week in Thailand. Much has been said why the brass coil around the ladies' necks: to protect them from evil spirits, to protect from tigers eating them, as a sign of great beauty, to attract a better husband, tradition, culture and so forth. But one thing I learned that it was for tourism, an attraction for tourists. Why not? Well, we had to pass winding mountain road to this special hill tribe village. Upon reaching there, we walked passing two rows of
wooden huts, each with a long neck lady or girl selling souvenir and local craf. Some of them as young as six years old sitting prettily waiting for pictures to be taken. Some of the not-so--young were weaving or tending to their kids. Of course tourists were attracted to the sweet-young ones. And they were sitting there quitely while tourists looked, smiled at them, talked with them in sign language.They obliged to take pictures with the tourists. Normally, they were given some money as token or the tourists bought something from them.. Surely, the sweet ones received the most lah. Kesihan mereka, jadi bahan pameran, atau macam......I bought some craftwork from them, donation, because this is their only income.

Picture above shows one of my friends with the most popular long neck ladies.