This is a conversation to share with your dear readers.
While watching 'Sinderella" (a telemovie shown over TV3) with Amal a.k.a Princess Angel last night
Amal : Nek Lang, what's the meaning "...tak mahu kahwin sampai bila-bila.."? (words spoken
by one of the characters)
Me : That's means he won' get married forever and ever.
Amal : When I grow up, I also don't want to get married.
Me : But why?
Amal : If I get married, I will have children. Then I will have cucu. I want to be a great artist. I want to travel. (meaning, have cucu, no travel!)
Me : Then you have to look after Kak Iman's children.
Amal: No.Look at Mak Chu (Amal's aunty). She's looking after Naqib and Dek Yang (Amal'counsins), not Daddy. Kan Mummy ada. Boleh jaga cucu ( that is, mummy has to take care of the cucu then.)
(Hear that mummy!!!!)
....over the moon

Dear readers,
Now I'm back in Melaka Now, what's up? Last night, as I was about to throw the day garbage into the main bin at the main gate to the house, (next day is garbage collection day) hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, I saw the lovely moon above with a tiny star as her company. So, rushed to get the camera and above was it.... the moon above the hill in front of the house.
Dear readers,
1. Happiness! My glucose level is very okey!!! What about cholesterol ? Wow, the reading is not alarming. Syukur!! Promise : to be careful of my diet, to continue exercise (taichi, aerobic, brisk walk) diligently and to take supplement (fish oil) obediently. Discipline, okey!!!
2. Meet ...."Kak A
na panggil saya Hani a.k.a Honey"...the sweet pretty girl in the picture. She is the sales assistant at Citra Ana. Reliable staff: very responsible and THE person lady boss could trust when she's not around. "Ana tinggalkan kedai dua hari, seorang sahaja, masa Ana ke KL, cikgu. No problem. Dulu dia pendiam. Sekarang dia dah berani, boleh layan pelanggan dengan baik." Before this, lady boss has been complaining of unreliable staff, you know the ones who can cheat on you. Well. Pn. Ana really has groomed her well. Hani layan pelanggan macam bos dia,
peramah dan pandai ambil hati. Look, she's showing us how to put on the 'tudung Dubai' . At last, lady boss is happy. She has a good staff to assist her. As an incentive she bought her a pair of pretty sandals (and will give her an increase in allowance!!). Syukur. I'm sure lady boss will be sad if Hani leaves her one day (she intends to join UITM this December). It's hard to find a good, trustworthy worker these days. Sigh....
3. Syukur and happy to know that Pura's son has chosen to be a teacher in TESL (very good prospect) than a lawyer. But surprise, yes, surprise, because seldom do we get boys WANT to be teachers. So he's filling the quota of the 'dying specie' (specie pupus) in the teachers' world, yes? We need good teachers to teach, educate and guide our children, the future generation. I'm sure Pora's son is one of them, Insya Allah. Jadi guru ni bukan sahaja dapat gaji lumayan tetapi pahala juga!! BTW Pura is the famous curtain entrepreneur in Melaka.
That's all for now. See you!
1. Happiness! My glucose level is very okey!!! What about cholesterol ? Wow, the reading is not alarming. Syukur!! Promise : to be careful of my diet, to continue exercise (taichi, aerobic, brisk walk) diligently and to take supplement (fish oil) obediently. Discipline, okey!!!
2. Meet ...."Kak A

3. Syukur and happy to know that Pura's son has chosen to be a teacher in TESL (very good prospect) than a lawyer. But surprise, yes, surprise, because seldom do we get boys WANT to be teachers. So he's filling the quota of the 'dying specie' (specie pupus) in the teachers' world, yes? We need good teachers to teach, educate and guide our children, the future generation. I'm sure Pora's son is one of them, Insya Allah. Jadi guru ni bukan sahaja dapat gaji lumayan tetapi pahala juga!! BTW Pura is the famous curtain entrepreneur in Melaka.
That's all for now. See you!
OK lah tu
Dear readers,
Just came home from exploring the latest shopping mall in Kuantan with Narimah. 'OK lah tu', bright lights, shining floor, 'branded' goods, modern, good choice of items, clean rest rooms. But mana kedai jual tudung, ye lah baju-baju for our age? (you know what I mean?) No book shop? There will be, coming soon! What about pharmacy? Also, coming. More shops opening soon. There's one I saw "Heart-to-Heart" (sounds familiar). First lunch. We decided to try laksa (Faridah Kazi said, sedap...) at the Laksa Shack, the Laksa Specialist...Ah yes, I read about it in Harian Metro.

I had Assam Laksa, with small chunks of ikan kembung( so yummeee) gravy and garnished with shreded onions, cucumber,pineapple, red chilli... quite hot, pedas...but nice, I like it.
Narimah had Laksa Johor ('the last time I had it was at Hari Guru Kebangsaan in Johor'), also sedap, delicious...
Just came home from exploring the latest shopping mall in Kuantan with Narimah. 'OK lah tu', bright lights, shining floor, 'branded' goods, modern, good choice of items, clean rest rooms. But mana kedai jual tudung, ye lah baju-baju for our age? (you know what I mean?) No book shop? There will be, coming soon! What about pharmacy? Also, coming. More shops opening soon. There's one I saw "Heart-to-Heart" (sounds familiar). First lunch. We decided to try laksa (Faridah Kazi said, sedap...) at the Laksa Shack, the Laksa Specialist...Ah yes, I read about it in Harian Metro.

I had Assam Laksa, with small chunks of ikan kembung( so yummeee) gravy and garnished with shreded onions, cucumber,pineapple, red chilli... quite hot, pedas...but nice, I like it.

'Say, this cincau drink looks nice'
Then, after chit chatting, we made a 'look n see' shopping a.k.a window shopping (but where's the window?) or just 'touch n go '. Anyway, overall: Okey lah tu East Coast Mall, not bad for Kuantan. Can visit the place again.... Tomorrow, another outing with my friend, another 'eye wash' shopping (cuci mata lah)....for books, tudung and fashion designed for 'us'.Balik kampung
Dear readers,
I'm in Kuantan, my third day. "Balik one week aje, ye,'' my sis reminded me. I took the Mara Liner, a 5 -hour journey, passing Tangkak, Segamat, through Kratong and Muadzam Shah. Comfortable bus: bigger seat,cleaner curtain, piped music. H2H said to her kids :Nek Lang mid semester break! Yeah, away from 'home' and back to 'home' still with the same routine, full fledged house keeper, house cleaner, house cook (sometimes), house laundry and everything 'house'. No, No lady-of-leisure but this lady has time, blogging. JY has to chauffer me, bila lagikan,... This morning went to Jalan Teluk Sisek to this bank. But alas, why so quiet? Oh no, it has moved to Mahkota Square. Had lunch at Pizza Hut, Mega Mall, with my good, old friend, Faridah Kazi...her bestday you see. Talked about new happenings. Then went to Citra Ana, just wanted to say hello to the owner but ended up with a pair of jeans, blouse and a scarf. Talking about 'jimat cermat' !!!! To H2H, your 'Chantik' shop is no more the 'Chantik' you used to know. Now it is a 2 in 1 shop, boutique and house accessories. Dah tak cantik, you. I didn't want to trouble JY, so I took the taxi home, dekat je but still dekat tapi jauh. Fare: RM8.00 for a SHORT journey. Oh there's a new route, passing the newly opened East Coast Mall, also 'dekat' my house!! Kalau jalan, tercungap juga lah. Faridah said 'macam shopping kat KL. Semua ada!' Is it? Must go and explore. BTW, I wonder how's nek ngah with the kids?
I'm in Kuantan, my third day. "Balik one week aje, ye,'' my sis reminded me. I took the Mara Liner, a 5 -hour journey, passing Tangkak, Segamat, through Kratong and Muadzam Shah. Comfortable bus: bigger seat,cleaner curtain, piped music. H2H said to her kids :Nek Lang mid semester break! Yeah, away from 'home' and back to 'home' still with the same routine, full fledged house keeper, house cleaner, house cook (sometimes), house laundry and everything 'house'. No, No lady-of-leisure but this lady has time, blogging. JY has to chauffer me, bila lagikan,... This morning went to Jalan Teluk Sisek to this bank. But alas, why so quiet? Oh no, it has moved to Mahkota Square. Had lunch at Pizza Hut, Mega Mall, with my good, old friend, Faridah Kazi...her bestday you see. Talked about new happenings. Then went to Citra Ana, just wanted to say hello to the owner but ended up with a pair of jeans, blouse and a scarf. Talking about 'jimat cermat' !!!! To H2H, your 'Chantik' shop is no more the 'Chantik' you used to know. Now it is a 2 in 1 shop, boutique and house accessories. Dah tak cantik, you. I didn't want to trouble JY, so I took the taxi home, dekat je but still dekat tapi jauh. Fare: RM8.00 for a SHORT journey. Oh there's a new route, passing the newly opened East Coast Mall, also 'dekat' my house!! Kalau jalan, tercungap juga lah. Faridah said 'macam shopping kat KL. Semua ada!' Is it? Must go and explore. BTW, I wonder how's nek ngah with the kids?
Pembaca budiman,
Kali ni cerita dalam bahasa ibunda pulok.Minggu lalu rombongan Cik Kiah buat lawatan ke Tasik Kenyir. Punyanya lah jauh perjalanan, dari Melaka(malam) melalui Johor, Pahang dan hampir tengahari Sabtu sampailah kami di Tasik Kenyir, Ganu kite. Penat dan sakit hilang. Punyalah cantiknya tasik buatan manusia ni, sayuuuup mata memandangnya, sejuk dan nyaman. Syukur....Naik bot laju pula ke Rumah Rihat. Sukanya rombongan Cik Kiah. Tapi sesampai di jeti di pulau persinggahan kami tu..aduh, aduh, aduh, 'surprise'....kena panjat anak tangga yang agak tinggi dan curam. Mana dengan beg baju nak di bimbit, mana bekalan makanan nak di jinjing. Porter pula tak ada nak bantu. Termengah dan tercungap-cungap juga lah.Tapi apa yang menarik hati ialah 'determination' dan kesungguhan serta keyakinan 3 orang ahli rombongan ni...dalam lingkungan awal 70'an lah. Sebab ingin benar tengok Tasik Kenyir yang indah itu, mereka cekalkan hati , kuatkan semangat,turut sama. Dah lah kaki lemah, lutut pula....hai, faham-faham je lah. Tapi, yang baiknya, mereka bawa 'tongkat' masing-masing sebagai penguat berjalan. Seorang bawa cucu, seorang bawa anak, seorang lagi bawa bibik. Tapi bila dah naik tu, tak turun, tak nak stress. Bangalo pula selesa, cantik, macam rumah di kampung. Apa lagi rihat saje lah. Kecuali seorang ni. Turut ikut member-member lain gi mandi di Air Terjun Sauk petang tu. Amboi... bukan main lagi dia mandi, berendam. soram menyiram, golek-golek dalam air yang dingin itu, jiwa muda you... Risau juga tengok nenek ni, takut sakit lutut nanti tapi kerana keinginan tadi, lupakan segala kesakitan. Tak ada nak manja-manjakan diri. You can do it, granny!!!
Kali ni cerita dalam bahasa ibunda pulok.Minggu lalu rombongan Cik Kiah buat lawatan ke Tasik Kenyir. Punyanya lah jauh perjalanan, dari Melaka(malam) melalui Johor, Pahang dan hampir tengahari Sabtu sampailah kami di Tasik Kenyir, Ganu kite. Penat dan sakit hilang. Punyalah cantiknya tasik buatan manusia ni, sayuuuup mata memandangnya, sejuk dan nyaman. Syukur....Naik bot laju pula ke Rumah Rihat. Sukanya rombongan Cik Kiah. Tapi sesampai di jeti di pulau persinggahan kami tu..aduh, aduh, aduh, 'surprise'....kena panjat anak tangga yang agak tinggi dan curam. Mana dengan beg baju nak di bimbit, mana bekalan makanan nak di jinjing. Porter pula tak ada nak bantu. Termengah dan tercungap-cungap juga lah.Tapi apa yang menarik hati ialah 'determination' dan kesungguhan serta keyakinan 3 orang ahli rombongan ni...dalam lingkungan awal 70'an lah. Sebab ingin benar tengok Tasik Kenyir yang indah itu, mereka cekalkan hati , kuatkan semangat,turut sama. Dah lah kaki lemah, lutut pula....hai, faham-faham je lah. Tapi, yang baiknya, mereka bawa 'tongkat' masing-masing sebagai penguat berjalan. Seorang bawa cucu, seorang bawa anak, seorang lagi bawa bibik. Tapi bila dah naik tu, tak turun, tak nak stress. Bangalo pula selesa, cantik, macam rumah di kampung. Apa lagi rihat saje lah. Kecuali seorang ni. Turut ikut member-member lain gi mandi di Air Terjun Sauk petang tu. Amboi... bukan main lagi dia mandi, berendam. soram menyiram, golek-golek dalam air yang dingin itu, jiwa muda you... Risau juga tengok nenek ni, takut sakit lutut nanti tapi kerana keinginan tadi, lupakan segala kesakitan. Tak ada nak manja-manjakan diri. You can do it, granny!!!
What a view

Chiang Rai,
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