These are anak ikan bilis or small, tiny frys. Only the hard working, patience ones will buy this small fish. Reason, wow, really takes your time to clean them. What can I do with these small frys?

I had nasi lemak (bought next door) with the just fried ikan for lunch. Ummph, sedap....

hai auntie... sedapnye makan. join boleh? thanx ye sebab sudi baca dan bagi komen. gurubesar ni special sikit. tapi mak kata jgn layan. biarkan je die. tapi kekadang tu stress la jugak. nanti la saya cerita pasal die di post akan dtg. tq
ReplyDeleteHello Pat, Boleh boleh saja. Auntie sukalah cerita pasal sekolah-sekolah ni. Betul kata mak tu.. Tapi Pat harus hati-hati ye.