Happy Besstday to me

Dear readers.
Date: 27 May 2008.
Received SMS from cousin Aisah in KL:Welcome to the sixties. Happy birthday to you.
Me sms'd : Tq. But I'm always 30 lah.
Replied: U memang awet muda!
Me: Tq, tq

Now at the tele shop.
Me: Evon,(the sales person) semalam saya 60 tahun.
Evon: Tak percayalah,, nampak 35 saje.

Yes, it was my besstday. Special but quietly celebrated, Thanks, syukur ke hadrat Allah atas segala nya. This was what the cucus gave me. Greetings written on the back of angpow envelope.

Ms H2H and Mr Sor gave me a beautiful green material, 'kasa rubia' siap with 'lining'. They got it from Jakell or Astana Moda. Now having sales. But this material special, 'bukan sales punya nek lang'. Thanks a lot, I think they must have seen me wearing the same baju every time. So high time to change. You see, readers, eversince I retired, I have been wearing the baju I used to wear when I was working. Reason, they are still good and can still fit. But, design maybe to be considered.Hee, hee,heee. And what is a besssstday without a cake, Black Forest cake, my favourite. Thank you, thank you.

And the best birthday present was my sis safe journey home to Bukit China. Yes she brought presents for me too: a maxis size s but still has to be altered, a lovely, warm shawl and a bottle of honey. Last nite we had a family tomyam dinner at Teluk mas. And another cake from same name a.k.a Leka or Mak chu.Nice food, nice people, nice company. And ada diskaun lagi.
Finally, from my nephew, Azlan:Salam Alang. Happy Birthday, Semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki. Semoga diberkati Allah selalu.
From JY : Cuma doa sahaja. Itu yang penting.

Thank you everybody!!!!Happy Bessstday to me!!!


Dear readers,

Iddin and me were looking at this page in today's Dimensi on 'Amman destinasi percutian selamat'
Me : Look here, Iddin. Look at this word AMMAN, Nek Ngah is here now. AM is from Amal's name, A-M. MAN is from Kak Iman's name M-A-N. Join A-M + M-A-N, you'll get AMMAN.
Iddin: (Not satisfied. Looked through the map showing the location of Amman, Jordan.) Nek Lang here is my name JORDAN. You change D-A-N to D-I-N lah.
Me : But that's JORDIN.
Iddin : Can also... (ye betul, memang tak mahu kalah)


Dear readers,
Selamat pagi! It's 7.40 am. Wow what a surprise the hero in the house gave me this morning. Kan hari ni sekolah dah mula cuti (teacher gave me 14 days holiday) Sunday pula tu. Tapi dia dah bangun.... last one to sleep last night and the first one to wake up this morning. Apa keheh nye yob? (to quote Riz AF6) . Angin baiklah tu.( His sisters still sleeping). As he was 'golek-golek'ing on the day bed, he asked me to 'garuk' him'. (Nek lang tak ada, I not gatal). Then the quiz started. What else if not about the winners of AF6. He remembered very well who the winners were. When bibik was drying him after bathing, he like 'boss-boss' told bibik yang tak lama lagi nak balik "Bibik tak pandai kerja. Tak pandai basuh kain, tak pandai sapu." Pada hal orang tulah yang ikut kata boss sangat-sangat. Dia drama je bik. Mujurlah bibik tu baik hati dan understands si hero ni. Anyway, good boy my little hero, kalau macam ni selalu, kan bagus, tak lah ada paksaan....Then I heard "Nek Lang, Iddin nak Milo and burger roti,(magic word) please." Okey, my hero...

Anak lelaki

Dear readers,
This little boy is up to his tricks again. This time he wants to jump across, ooops, cross over, somersault, balik kuang over the 'line'. This is the way to do it. First, he adjusts himself against the 'line'. Sesuaikan dengan ketinggian.

He is not stisfied. He does it again.This time, he is slanting his body forward. Kuat tak tali ni? Ready, get set....
Go.........cross over, with hands firmly on the floor, he kicks his legs high up. and brings his body across. He is so thrilled!!!! Hee, hee, hee.... Sometimes he likes to do ferris wheel across the room. He will run and turn like a wheel, of course. No fear at all. Kita balik yang jerit. Hati-hati, nanti patah, blah, blah, blah. But boys will be boys. Anak lelaki katakan.


Dear readers,
She was so excited to see her garden in pictures. 'Eeee cantiknya. " So, dear FKM here are two more pictures of your neat and attractive garden. The first and second lah. Luar pagar, atas longkang fully utilised. The third is 'my garden' all pots in a row, like soldiers.
Once a date tree(pokok buah kurma) was here. Surprise!!

Well maintained drain

Fully bloomed bougenvillas in my garden at Bukit China

Jumpa lagi!


Dear readers,
What did I have for breakfast this morning? Nasi himpit (ketupat), kurma ayam (diperhangatkan), sambal tumis ikan bilis (dipanaskan), papaya and warm water. Eeee, ada feelin' hari rayalah. Sedapnya....

The Queen

Dear readers,
I followed h2h to the (or her?)furniture shop owned by Mr Double (Trouble )a.k.a Lester. As I was 'cuci-cuci mata' , something caught my eyes. I was looking for one all this while but I was then 'to buy or not to buy'. Postpone lah, next time. Now this Queen was on sale. Half price. Good offer!And when asked "Tak boleh kurang lagi kah?" Mr Double was kind enough to reduce the price. Thanks to the 'patron' too. (you know who lah) I sat on it. Comfy enough! Terus jadi. Couldn't resist the offer. No more postponing. So, this afternoon, they delivered the Queen. The old Queen was transported to Nowhere Land. Poor thing! She had been the Queen for more than twenty years. Queen for my sis, me, been the jumping ground for the 'buzy, buzy active kids' (Iddin and Amal). Her 'bones' are beginning to loosen. Her body, flabby and some parts soft. So it's time for the new Queen to reign in Slumberland. Now, I can sleep in peace (in piece) on the firm, comfy body of the new Queen. Iddin, please ah, no jumping on my Queen!!.

What's for lunch?

Can you see the kepala ikan?

Dear readers,

What's for lunch, Tati? (the great cook in the house)

Soup sayur, sambal tumis ikan bilis with asam belimbing buluh and if you like gulai lemak ikan jenahak with mangga (diperhangatkan lagi).

Ok with me, sedaplah tu...Thanks Tati.

And lunch, kenduri style, sit on the floor,in front of TV.

But why, nek lang, you said cannot sit in front of TV during makan time!!

Today, special...

PS: Anymore cool air asam boi left? Sweet, sweet sour gitu...
Question is: why the rasa asam-asam these few days... belimbinglah, manggalah. asam boi lah

Selfish, penting diri

Dear readers,
Pagi tadi saya di Melaka Sentral, hantar JY naik bus jam 8.30 pagi ke Kuantan. Oklah Melaka Sentral, to me the best bus station in Malaysia, I've seen so far. Very neat, bersih, air cond lagi. Cool.Very passenger friendly. But one thing I memang marah sangat ialah parking. Well, tempat letak kereta memang banyak, no problem about that, very good. RM1.00 sahaja even for the whole day!! Yang jadi problem nya ialah ada pemandu park kereta yang mementingkan diri sendiri.I'm talking about the parking lot di bahagian hadapan main entry, bukan di teksi stand. Di mana? Di sepanjang jalan sebelahan jalan susur gajah, tempat orang berjalan kaki yang bertutup tu. Ini menjadi satu masalah kepada pemandu yang park kereta di petak yang sebenar sebab susah nak keluarkan atau undur kereta. Ada halangan di belakang, illegal parking. Tadi ada saya tegur seorang cik kak, comel orangnya, but very selfish. I told her that bila dia letak car dia kat situ, orang susah nak gostan (Undurlah tu). Dia buat dek je. JY kata buat aduan. SoI tulis aduan dalam borang khas di kaunter aduan dan buat laporan. Do you think the management will take action? Just wait and see. Then bila bus JY dah bertolak, I returned to the car park and sure enough another driver was about to park his car behind my parking lot. Nicely I told him to move his car because he was obstructing the way. Thank you, he drove away. Itu yang kita hendak, cooperation, think of others!!I also reported to the parking attendant at the ticket booth (nak keluar bayar RM1.00 tadi). He said dah selalu tegur tetapi masih lagi yang degil. I suggested put a big sign NO PARKING at the designated place and ada enforcement. Do you think they'll care? Again, wait and see. There are many parking lots there but some people are just being selfish and lazy to walk to the building. Bila lah nak belajar ye...

Kasi chance

Hello readers,
Malam ni aku tak dapat tengok Konsert AF6. Sedehnya. Sabarnya.Terpaksa berkorban. Tulah aku ada time buat posting ni. Someone special in the house is a sports fan, peminat sukan. Ye lah, sekarang ni kan season Thomas Cup. Dan lepas tu pulak, sport channel lain, ada Tennis German Open. (JY is a tennis fan and plays tennis with his friends in Kuantan.)Semua nya live di Astro Channel and at the same time dengan konsert AF6. Kasi chance..it's alright.Sekali sekala. Aku tengok repeat ajelah esok (Ahad). Itu pun kalau tak ada peminat Ceria pula. Atau pun aku tengok You Tube je. Baca komen bloggers AF. Redah aje!!Nanti orang di Amman sms tanya 'siap keluar minggu ni?" Kena lah aku call missy yang sedang seronok enjoy tengok konsert di Padang Temu. Although aku tak lah sangat enjoy AF6 seperti tahun AF2 dulu (semua CD konsert AF2 aku ada ) tapi aku follow juga lah. Tapi aku suka tengok cikgu-cikgunya mengajar, sangat sabar(tapi kadang-kadang sedeh juga), membimbing pelajar-pelajar, sesuaikan teknik dan kaedah dengan tahap pembelajaran . Waktu belajar, mereka mengajar dengan gigih, marah dan waktu rihat, boleh bergurau-gurau dengan pelajar. Respect you cikgu macam ni. As for the students, they tried their best but still tak mencapai matlamat. Harus ada pengajaran strategik but it takes time for them to improve dan mencapai objektif. As the Pengetua have said, these students are the left overs from other reality shows. So they have to bear it, ikut pencapaian dan kemampuan mereka. Hope in the long run, they will improve. So the time is now 10.36pm. I think the concert will be ending soon. Who's in and who's out? Teachers, are you happy with the students' performance?
I nak tengok cerekarama TV3. Nasib ada TV (lain) tapi tak ada Astro. Apa story ah?


(photo credit to phlp)




buat bapak yang sudah 35 tahun meninggalkan kita (pada Hari Guru 1973) , semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh bapak. Semoga bapak tenang di sana bersama ahlil- jannah. Amin.....

My late emak's treasure

Dear readers,
This cabinet, in our so called dining hall, treasures our late emak's collection. Do you see the teapots?
So, glance your eyes through the pictures of treasured teapots, perhaps same flower design but of different shape.

stout and steady

nice triangular shape

notice my cover or lid

here's my handle

look at my spout

oo la la
and a collection of plates
Emak bought these at KJ (Kampung Jawa lah) at a particular shop . Some called this 'made in china' as ' pinggan batu'. And she bought these in the dozens 'senang kenduri nanti'. By the way, the designed purple flowers is called 'bunga kangkung'. The other one perhaps inspired by 'maple leaves'.Today, these plates and teapots are considered antique. We dare not use them in case......you know what! Love you mak!!!

Childhood games

Main masak-masak, childhood memory

Dear readers,
Iddin is 'busy' with his You Tube ( Nek Lang, How you spell......?) and Channel Ceria, Princess with her online Barbie Game (famous word in her 'dictionary' will be 'kejap, wait' when asked to stop) and Missy her online music and TV melodrama (dah buat revision?). Now, the latest, they are in blogging. So most of the time they spend their free time watching TV(satellite channels) and computer! But when I was little, we had no TV, no computer, no handphone, no SMS and whatever tech gadgets we have today. We only had the radio ( I remember ERRESS). Oh yes, I attended tuition classes for subjects I was weak in. Co-curricular activities were not important that time. I had plenty of time. So what did I do most of the time with my friends and my sisters? (Of course we did reading and finished our homework). We played games as all children do. We played batu sembang (batu seremban?) using 5 small stones (batu kerikil yang orang buat jalan tu) or hard pebbles. We played cockle shells with bola tennis (game like batu seremban) we played congkak using cowrie shells (now you use marbels). We played main pondok-pondok or masak-masak using plastic toy cooking utensils mother bought or old crockery, and 'cooked' picked leaves, pebbles, biji saga, flowers. I remember I had a set of mini 'china' or porcelain cups and saucers with teapot. We pretended we had tea and brought our rag dolls along. We played 'pengantin-pengantin' (that time no teasing or ejek-ejek boyfriend girlfriend, so innocent) complete with the procession or 'mengarak pengantin' and berhinai ceremony. We played 'hantu galah'(or galah panjang) that covered a wide area and if played in school, it would occupy the whole school hall. We played 'konda-kondi' ( hitting a 'short'stick with a longer one and catching it again), teng-teng (hop scotch), rounders, main sembunyi (hide and seek), we played 'feather cock' ( remember this was banned in convent school, not girls games so said Sr St Rita), main teka siapa buang hankerchief (Guess who?) and not forgetting the sing-along game such as enjit-enjit semut (ant bite pinches), pong-pong along(grasped hand on top of each other) sapu-sapu rengit, pak-pak lang(follow the leader) pukul berapa datuk harimau, nenek-nenek .Those are the games I can remember, games I played when I was little, yes so many,many , many years ago. Oh.... those were the days......my friends. Sigh!

Anak ikan bilis

Dear readers,
These are anak ikan bilis or small, tiny frys. Only the hard working, patience ones will buy this small fish. Reason, wow, really takes your time to clean them. What can I do with these small frys?

Fry them, coated fry anak ikan bilis or ikan bilis salut tepung. In a bowl mix some wheat flour together with some rice flour and corn flour with enough water (already salted) to make batter. Put in some chili boh (grounded chili) and slices of turmeric leaf (to get the flavour). Then in you go fish! See that they are well coated. Then deep fry the fish. You can pair them. What I mean is, put two fish together or in threes, etc. Fry until crispy and brownish. Taste nice if you dip it in chili sauce.

I had nasi lemak (bought next door) with the just fried ikan for lunch. Ummph, sedap....
By the way, you can make masak asam rebus with these frys or make otak-otak or pais. Some say that these frys adalah makanan orang susah or poor man's food. They are also used as baits for fishing. Eating them is also troublesome because you have to be careful with the main, tiny weeny bones. If you are not careful, you might choke! So hati-hati yah....My sis likes this fried anak ikan.

Belated one

Dear readers, a friend of my sis who is also my friend, sms'd me a belated Mother's Day greeting last night. It goes like this

A mum is a rose whose petals are soft,

A mum is a lily whose stem is tall and strong,

A mum is a person who is seldom wrong,

A mum is person you should love forever.
Trust her, believe her and never doubt her.

Happy Mother's Day.

I replied : Remember too, A mum is a person who must know how to cook (simple dish can also!!).

Special wish

(photo credit to phlp)



Mee Goreng Sabariah

Dear readers.
What? Apa? (must sound like M Rajoli in his 'Lasenda cafe' advert)Mee goreng Sabariah a.k.a Mee goreng bodoh? I went to support the newly opened next door eating stall. This morning they had 'Mee Goreng Sabariah or known as mee goreng bodoh in Melaka. Sabariah is the name of the lady who used to cook this famous breakfast dish. Why 'bodoh'?The stress is not in 'Mee Goreng, bodoh!" But the name of the dish. Simple dish indeed!!!Like Simple Simon!!!Just fry some pounded red chili or if you like get the special chili sauce (get it from the kedai runcit). When it is cooked, put in the mee basah or yellow mee, mix and stir well and finally add in the taugeh. Why taugeh last? To get the 'kruup. kruup' sound. No prawns, ikan bilis added. No eggs either. Then the supposed to be Sabariah (or the cook) will ask you 'Nak kicap dan cuka tak?"
This is the K I C K. Agree, if you like the sour and saltish/manis taste. Optional.Reason to ask, some don't take vinegar/cuka/kicap. If you want extras like sambal pedas or fried egg just ask and you'll be served. Taste memang best punya. As far as I know no other places in Malaysia sell this Mee Goreng Sabariah. As today is the opening day, so makan free! Free makan for customers. I ordered 2 bungkus (plates). Dah lama tak makan Mee Goreng Sabariah!
To you dear neighbour, all the best. Semoga berjaya.


Dear readers,
Remember my posting on nasi lemak bungkus? Soorrry readers, ya ampun, the nasi lemak that Mr Sor brought home was from air tangan M-I-L Faizah, one of h2h's staff, not from Kg Morten. A thousand apology, Faizah, I didn't know that. I just take for granted. Please tell your M-I-L, nasi lomaknyo sodap. The Kpg Morten ones also sedappp.
Today there's a new eating stall just opened. Their first business day. And it's just next to our house. Our 'back door' (any expression?) neighbour runs the stall.They have breakfast and at night they'll be serving Tom yam and dishes related to you-know-what lah. I can hear them frying mee (tentu mee goreng bodoh), talking, washing plates, cups etc. To go or not to go? That's the question. Kita dengar apa kata the 'food evaluators'

Ikan jacket

Dear readers,

We're having ikan cencaru belah belakang for lunch today. Students in hostels call this dish as 'ikan jacket'.

One day, in a girls' hostel in Kuantan:

Warden : Lauk apa makan hari ni?
Student : Ikan jacket, puan....
Warden : Ah sedap lah tu, belah belakang kan?
Student : Taklah.... emak masak kat rumah lagi best. Siap dengan air lada
Warden : Komplen, komplen
Student :(Hari-hari ikan jacket, keras pulak tu!!!!)

See, the cencaru has a tough skin (so called 'jacket') and to eat the flesh, you have to pull it. Tarik... If you like you can pull off the skin before you cook it, then fry or make whatever dish like masak asam, goreng cili pecah etc. But to make this ikan jacket belah belakang, you have to make 2 slit at the back of the fish, don't pull off the skin. Then stuff in or sumbat some pounded cili merah, bawang putih(garlic), bit of halia(ginger) and kunyit((turmeric). But first marinate the fish with some kunyit powder and bit of salt.Then deep fry. To make the sauce (for cicah) pound some fresh red cili with bawang putih.Mix well with
light soya sauce (cap kipas....lah) . Don't forget a bit of salt, sugar (bit also) and lime juice. from limau sambal (the snall ones) Best nyah..I tell you...Missy like this ikan cencaru belakang, can finish two ekor you know.Ha,ha, ha. (but don't take too much,you know, 'they' say cencaru 'bisa')

But Princess Amal usual dish will be ikan goreng kunyit, no jacket for her please...no way...


Dear Readers,
Today I was so happy with my morning workout class. From stretching, through 'Aspalela', Tai Chi, Zapin, Joget, Poco-poco, some lose focussing but overall, they did well. I gave them encouraging words " bagus" " cantik" " you are so good""nanti kak N balik tentu dia suka". Next session, must do better, more improvement!


Dear Readers,

Bibik is frying some sambal in the kitchen, achhuuuum, acchuuuum. Bibik sedang masak ikan goreng sambal pecah! That's why banyak sneezing, the aroma terangkat hingga tercucuk hidung!!! Now she's sneezing, weeecthum !weeetchum!.. The sambal goreng pecah is made from fresh red chillies pounded with some bawang kecil and a piece of bawang putih(if you like lah) with red tomatoe (to get the sour taste). Then fry till pecah minyak, must stir all the time. If not,burn lah.Hangus!Then put in the already fried ikan, Mix or gaul well.Or you can put the fried sambal on the fish. This dish goes well with masak lemak kobis. But I like to eat the sambal with kicap. Gaul dan gaul dan gaul dengan nasi putih (cara orang Melaka makan dah, must gaul the lauk with the nasi!!). Orang Minang suka sambal goreng ni. Acchhuumm ! There I go again!!!!
Bibik tutup semua ikan dengan sambal goreng!

Nasi lemak bungkus

Dear readers.
Last night we had Nasi Lemak bungkus for dinner. Mr Sor brought home about 10 bungkus for 3 adults, 1 teenanger, and 2 kids! Imagine that! Mana boleh habis dah... This nasi lemak (picture below) is special. Well known, jual di rumah, a Malay house at Kampung Morten a.k.a Kampung Baru. And sold only in the evening. Taste nice, very the lemak-lemak, served with sambal, fried ikan bilis, slice of cucumber or some kangkung, telur dadar (omelette). All these are neatly put on a piece of small square shaped banana leaf. The nasi lemak together with the 'extras' are tightly wrapped with banana leaves(daun pisang). This is to get the aroma 'rasa'. Then the whole 'thing' is wrapped again with paper. But, it would be better and hygienic if plain paper is used, not printed paper or newspaper. Remember the carbon? To cut cost? Anyway, the paper can be done with. No problem. Just have the 'nasi lemak bungkus daun pisang'. Sometimes, some nasi lemak sellers use plastic to wrap the nasi instead of banana leaves. Taste not same mar...Maybe need special banana leaves not the any ordinary ones, lor..

The nasi lemak special, (four finished already). Gave away some bungkus to h2h 's S-I-L.

What it looks like. See the triangular shaped telur dadar?

And dear readers, people in Kuantan is familiar with ZAMAN, benchmarking for famous nasi lemak bungkus. Served hot for breakfast, some more. The nasi and the sambal, together with slice of cucumber and a piece of hard boiled egg (telur rebus)...so...uummmph! ZAMAN is so crowded in the morning that you have to wait for vacant seat. Sometimes, if you are the impatient ones, you have to go to the kitchen to get the nasi lemak bungkus yourself. That famous!! Now, where is this place? At Bt 9, Jalan Gambang.. Promosi nampaknya?

Pinky, pinky

Dear readers,
Recently I was given 4 essays to be evaluated who's the best. Essay writing competition mar...Dah lama tak periksa karangan, so faham-faham je lah. Frankly I dozed off as soon as I started reading the first one. Really a medication for those who have sleeping problem... Maybe of the heat! But I managed in the end. And as a token, the organizer gave me the above pinky, pinky bath towel, 'especially for you'! Terima kasih, ye.. You can count on me..

SMS je

Hi orang di sana,

Dah lebeh seminggu my sis ke Amman, Jordan "to pursue my dreams learning the Arabic language in an Arabic- speaking country." Dan dah banyak SMS dia hantar ke sini samada kepada saya (already 13) atau sanak saudaranya( ya,lah kawang-kawang dia) yang lain. Kisahnya selain intensive learning during day thru night, weekend gi outing melawat tempat bersejarah like makam sahabat-sahabat Nabi, Gua Ashabu Kahfi,ending up attending a wedding reception.(that was last weekend). Being a globe trotter, akak aku tu must be enjoying herself, visitng places, shopping (or just watch people buying), taking pictures for her coming blog. And she's thankful for her wonderful phone (just bought before she left) "tanx @ Lela, Lela, Lela n Noni's Kiroro, just did my 1/2 xercise" But she missed her computer (for blogging), Mr Manager, and her MyV and of course the buzzzzzy, buzzzzy kids at home. Of course, sudah pasti, she missed AF6 (she's an AF follower), "Siapa keluar concert ni?" She said there's a cyber cafe in town but only men frequent the place. Sorry then, nek Ngah. You'll have lots of updating to do when you come back. We have a new blogger in the blogging world. He's learning so fast.But he has a PA to do his posting!!! Tai Chi class, going fine, full support from the members "Ni cikgu you all sekarang, so follow me." '' Untuk zapin, nanti N balik, dia tunjukkan pecahan bunganya!'' Tapi mana nak sama dengan cikgu yang jauh di Jordan kan? But I think your friends rasa kehilanganlah, without you, especially you know who, the one who likes to shop. "Kita tak cukup orang nak menyanyi, N tak ada". They must be waiting for you to come home. Some I heard planning to get together to do the homework you gave, sigh, no play, play ah, ustazah not around. Well, this is the second week you're there, another two weeks to go. Tak lama tu..

Yes today 6th May. Remember whose birthday ? My younger brother's. Dia pun sibuk juga, go here and there, being a tourist guide. My doa to you, dear brother, Selamat panjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki dalam kesihatan yang elok juga, Amin. Jaga diri baik-baik.

Sekian dulu ye....

Orang di sini

The food evaluators

Hi there, readers. Last night we had dinner at the latest food outlet near our house, very near, just around the corner. In fact, there are now about 11 food outlet just along this road. So readers, no problem of getting food if you are too lazy(or for some other reasons) to cook. But for your information, we seldom cater these places. Don't know why. But we wanted to try this new outlet, the latest addition for food lovers. It has about 12 stalls or so selling all kinds of food from roti canai to ikan bakar. And we couldn't make our choice. Never mind, let's try the normal ones we used to take and see how it tastes like. We can come again for the others. Yes, 'we' being the unrecognised food taster, commentator, consultant and evaluator. ha, ha! (Penilai/pengkritik yang tidak diiktiraf) More benchmarking!

Here are the' penilai' . Macam mana?
H2H had nasi goreng cili padi, her favourite and teh tarik.
Nampak macam best aje. Boleh lah....nak try?

Missy had Mee Goreng Ayam, her first choice.
Comment:But too oily lah and I don't like bila ada mee
yang entangled (melekat) macam ni.

I tried Mee Goreng Basah. Alamak, banyak nya,cannot finish!
Comment: banyak telur, som e sotong and only one miserable prawn. Take care!

Mr Sor ordered Yong Taufu.
Comment: Yong Taufu at that (famous one in Melaka) stall tastes better

Just like Daddy-O! Superheromrselamba's version
of YTF. He likes soup.

No western food, so roti canai ok for me.
Princess Amal focussing on her roti canai. This time only one piece.
And Milo Ice....Notice my new watch?

Bibik likes nasi. So nasi putih with ayam masak merah and
ulam timun. Banyak deh, tidak habis saya! (Selalunya habis!)

So that's it readers. Maybe this is just the beginning, new excitement. Overall, just okay lah. Price? Don't know. Mr Sor, the cashier, paid as the food came along, one by one. Price ok or not, Mr Sor? Anyway, must try the masak asam pedas. JY likes masak asam. When he comes down later, will bring him here to taste the masak asam. He is a great food evaluator you know. He'll always say'Tak sedap macam kat......." " The soto at ..... is better" "Banyak A**n*m**o""Dah cuba nasi lemak bungkus kat Za***?". So my reply to his question "Nak makan kat mana?",will always be" Your choice, saya ikut aje."

So, readers, you can count on us if you want to know what and where to eat if you are in town, (Melaka/Kuantan) okay?

Feelin', feelin'

Dear all!
I feel good, feelin' so good, so goes the song. My back (bumper) is now okay and steady in place, feel like brand new,(feel only..10 years mar..) no more dent and scars. In fact, my back has a new coat of paint. Even the cover for the spare tyre looks bright and shine. Look at the pictures, my new picture, hem.... ok lah tu.. Poor Miss Kelissa is recovering and still warded. Thank you Mr Allan, the Fix It Man.



Suzuki Vitara
P.S. No more kissin', kissin', yah